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Benefits of Implementing KLEENTEK: Electrostatic Oil Cleaner ('EOC') for your Business

If you’re interested in how KLEENTEK: Electrostatic Oil Cleaner (EOC)’s unique features can meet your growing needs, we invite you to join us in attending for a live demo.

Over at Focus Machinery Pte Ltd, Singapore, we offer a wide range of language webinars hosted weekly on our digital platform, where we’ll showcase the capability of the product and how it can be useful to you and your team.

Use the link below to register for your preferred language session. For live webinars, please sign up at least 24 hours in advanced to ensure that you will receive a letter of confirmation email containing specific instruction on how to join your session.

English (International English):

  • Register for xxx Webinar (regional timing)

  • Register for xxx Webinar (regional timing)

You can watch video presentation uploaded at your convenience.

Mandarin ("Chinese")

  • Register for xxx Webinar (regional timing)

  • Register for xxx Webinar (regional timing)

You can watch video presentation uploaded at your convenience.

Tamil ("Tamil")

  • Register for xxx Webinar (regional timing)

  • Register for xxx Webinar (regional timing)

You can watch video presentation uploaded at your convenience.

Please always contact your local/regional sales representatives for more information.

For more information, please visit us at,

For further enquiry, please contact us at

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